38454496 - daily routine. vector set with funny girl.This time of the year is bittersweet for most families. While it’s nice to get back into a steady routine, it’s hard to think that another laidback summer is over. But as we are always reminded here at Family Private Care, we can’t slow down time. All we can do is enjoy it.

Whatever this time of the year brings you – the kids starting school, full-time hours starting back up or more caregiving obligations – we have practical tips to get you back into a groove.

Work on One Change at a Time

Don’t expect to make all the necessary changes in one week. Give yourself time to get you and your family accustomed to the new changes over several weeks or months. Start with one major change at a time, then slowly add more to your routine. For instance, begin with having dinner together as a family at a certain time every night or visiting your loved one in the mornings before work.

Establish Your Must-Do’s

Avoid procrastinating, otherwise you’re going to fall behind and feel overwhelmed. The best way to stay organized is to have a calendar of some sort, whether it’s an app or traditional paper calendar. Write down the things you can’t miss, such as meetings, baseball games, dance lessons, etc. Also pencil in when you plan to visit your loved one. You’ll feel much more in control when you can glance at your calendar and know what you have going on for the week.

Spend Time Getting Organized

Another way to get you and your family into a routine is to organize the space around you. Again, this helps you feel more in control and prepared for a fresh start. Not only should you spend time cleaning out your cabinets and closets but also your loved one’s. Things have probably piled up over the summer months and it could be making your parent feel overwhelmed and anxious!

Simplify Your Life

By now, you should recognize the importance of keeping your life as simple as possible. With a family to raise and a parent to care for, you can’t risk making things any more complicated than they need to be. If you’re feeling stressed already, look at ways you can make things easier on yourself. For instance, can you clean the bathroom while the kids are in the tub? Can you put together a month’s worth of slow cooker meals? Can you visit Mom or Dad on the way home from work?

Routines are important, and they make everyone feel secure and at ease. It’s worth the effort to get back into one and kick off the new school year right!