
Every September, Americans celebrate Healthy Aging Month, a time to start better lifestyle practices. Even though this month is geared toward older adults and how it’s never too late to change, this month is relevant for everyone! As humans, we continue to grow older each day of our lives. Therefore, aging is something to be celebrated, not feared. It can be a beautiful thing.

Why Healthy Aging Month is Celebrated

Carolyn Worthington, editor-in-chief of Healthy Aging Magazine and executive director of Healthy Aging, is the creator of Healthy Aging Month. Her goal was to focus on the positive aspects of growing older and address many of the myths that people have about older adults. Healthy Aging Month is going in its second decade and is incredibly important to many.

Every September, new information and ideas are provided to adults in their mid-to-late 40s and older. It can be simple things like eating well and exercising each day, as well as suggestions for new activities and hobbies. The number of people in the 45+ age range grows every year and now includes baby boomers and generation x-ers.

Ways to Age – Healthy and Happy

The goal of Healthy Aging Month is to help people age gracefully and get the most out of their older years. Today, a 60-year-old is still considered young. By encouraging them to focus on their mental, physical and social health, they can enhance their lives and perhaps even add more quality years onto it.

Here are a few ways that you can reinvent yourself in the coming months. You don’t need to wait until January to make some resolutions!

  • Feel your age, don’t worry about what your number is
  • Be positive in your conversations with others and yourself
  • Distance yourself from people who complain all the time – surround yourself with positive people instead
  • Practice good posture by walking, standing and sitting correctly
  • Smile more often – people who smile a lot are usually happier
  • Volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, animal shelter, etc.
  • Start a new hobby or activity – find your inner artist
  • Take a technology class and learn how to use that iPhone!
  • Expand your social circle by being open to new friendships
  • Walk more often – the fresh air is good for you and you can meet new people
  • Go to the doctor and get up to date on your health screenings and immunizations

Are you ready to age healthy? You should be! Age is just a number, after all!


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