With options in senior living expanding, many families are realizing that it makes sense to move their loved one into assisted living. However, assisted living isn’t always practical right from the start.


Many families need time to get their ducks in a row, whether it’s financially or emotionally. Plus, the idea for Mom or Dad to move typically takes some warming up to.


So what are families doing in the meantime to bridge the gap?


In-home care is invaluable in situations like these. In-home care can serve as a shorter or longer term solution until Mom or Dad is ready to move.


Technology Being Used to Match Clients and Caregivers


There are tens of thousands of agencies from coast to coast that are happy to match your loved one with a caregiver. That’s great! The only problem is that you’re largely disconnected from the process.


Aside from telling the agency a bit about your parent and the types of services you’re interested in, there’s no way to really know who your parent is being matched to and what’s going on during the day when you can’t be there.


The solution to this problem is technology. One company in particular is finding success by matching seniors with caregivers based on factors like age, interests, personalities and services using a software program.


In addition, a handy app will also become available, allowing families to check in with their loved one and have a more active role in the caregiving process.


Could This be a Better Job for Humans?


While there are certainly many benefits to this new approach, there is one thing that may be compromised: the human element.


We all know what happens when technology comes in to replace things. The intention is to streamline tasks and provide better service to customers, but what ends up happening is that the human element is lost. Who does one call when they want to talk to someone? Where does one go with a question or concern?


It may be acceptable to have automated processes for certain things in life, but when it comes to your loved one and their health and well-being, do you really want a software program making the decisions?


At Family Private Care, we believe in good old fashioned person-to-person interaction. Our caregivers and clients are carefully matched based on a wide range of criteria. We take the time to get to know both the caregiver and the client in ways that technology cannot. And if there are ever any issues, you have real people to talk to.


Call us old-school. But we truly love having a hand in the matching process and getting to know who we’re working with on both sides of the spectrum.