This is a staff only event
Family Private Care, LLC is proud to offer several CEU courses at no charge as a give back to the Senior Home Care community. We would be happy to do a private CEU course for your staff at your facility. Please contact us to schedule a CEU for your team.
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Veterans Resources
[toggle title=”Overview” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”#0099cc” bordercolor=”#0099cc” opacity=””]Exposure to combat and operational stress affects service members in many ways. While some of these effects can be positive, many service members experience lasting emotional and psychological scars. For some, the psychological and emotional wounds make it difficult to move on and function effectively as a parent, spouse, employee, or friend. To quote one wounded warrior, “I went to a foreign country and when I came back, this was the foreign country. I am lost, scared, and don’t know what to do to make it better” (Wounded Warrior Project). [/toggle][toggle title=”Objectives” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”#0099cc” bordercolor=”#0099cc” opacity=””]In this informative presentation, John Butler, who served in combat in the US Army as a Field Artillery officer in Vietnam, will briefly explore common reactions and problems associated with combat and operational stress and trauma. He will then spend the rest of the presentation describing and exploring various resources for veterans. You will learn about these programs and how they can help your patients /clients and their family members who are also veterans. [/toggle]