Now that school is in full swing and you’ve adjusted to the new schedules, you’re probably wondering if you’ll have the energy to tackle the winter months! Though we like to think that winter is a calmer season, it rarely is. Between school plays, winter sports, holiday festivities and extra time with family, this time of the year is just as busy as the rest.

If you’re caring for an elderly loved one, your time may be even more limited. Fortunately, respite care is an excellent resource that allows you to stay organized. We’ve listed out four great reasons why you should use respite care for your loved one this fall season.

Take an End-of-the-Year Vacation

If you have a lakehouse, you only have a few more weeks to enjoy it! Hire a respite caregiver so that you can spend the weekend at your property. Enjoy a couple of nights as a family (you probably won’t be back until spring) or use the time to get the home prepared for the winter. You’ll feel good knowing that your summer home is safe over the next few months, and that you made new memories in the process.

Shop for Holiday Gifts

It’s never too early to shop for holiday gifts! Before long, stores run low on inventory, prices go up and there’s long lines to stand in. Take advantage of the best gifts now and get a head start on budgeting and gift wrapping. This will help you feel more in control as the holiday season approaches. It’s amazing how much you can get done when there’s no distractions!

Attend Winter Sports

If you have a child or family member in a winter sport such as basketball or hockey, a respite caregiver can free up some time so that you can attend. Respite care is designed to be flexible, so you can work with the caregiver to cover the events you want to be at. Knowing that you have someone reliable to stay with your parent will allow you to fully enjoy each game.

Plan for the Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner! Whether you need time to decorate, plan a holiday menu or get your home cleaned out for guests, it’s almost impossible to get things done when you’re acting as a caregiver, too. With respite care, you can carve out several hours of interrupted time to prepare for the holidays. This will help you feel more in control of the next few months, which is important once the family starts coming in from out of town!

Once you see how easy it is to schedule respite care – and how much your loved one enjoys the break – you’ll have no problem using it when you need it!