

If you have an elderly parent, there’s a good chance that you’ve spent many nights worrying about their future. How long will they be able to remain at home? When should you move them to assisted living? What if they don’t want to go?

For most families, there’s no obvious answers to these questions. Some families choose an assisted living community from the start while others opt to keep their parent at home for as long as possible. No choice is the “right one”, so you will have to choose what’s right for your parent and family. The good news is that if home care is your choice, there are many resources available to make things smoother.

Here are five reasons to care for your parent in the comfort of their home.

  1. Promote Independence and Dignity

According to one study, 89 percent of seniors said that aging in place was very important to them. Though assisted living centers have greatly improved over the years, seniors continue to feel most comfortable at home. They’re able to maintain their freedom and independence, and they can participate more in their care. Thanks to in home care, more seniors are able to fulfill this wish.

  1. Faster Healing Times

If you’re loved one has an illness or chronic disease, they may heal faster at home. For one, they’re in an environment that they’re comfortable in, and this can help them recover more quickly. They’ll also be able to get the rest they need and prevent adding more stress into the mix. Studies show that home care speeds up healing time compared to residing in a hospital or nursing home setting.

  1. Personalized Care

No single person is the same, which means neither should their care. Senior Home Care is one-on-one, which means your parent will get the personalized care they need to thrive. In a nursing home setting, residents are often cared for alongside other patients, and this robs them of one-on-one attention. If your parent has chronic health issues, you can put together a team of practitioners.

  1. Safe and Secure

Patients at a hospital are more at risk for infection, but this risk is reduced significantly when being cared for at home. The one-on-one attention your loved one receives will allow them to get speedy care, should they need it. A qualified home care professional can also make the home safer by adding grab bars and anti-slip rugs.

  1. Improve Quality of Care

Home care prolongs the need for nursing home care and prevents seniors from declining too soon. It can enhance quality of life for these reasons alone, but your loved one will also enjoy having their independence and living in a familiar environment. They may enjoy having friends and family over for holidays or coffee breaks, and they may have a rapport with neighbors.

Home care isn’t right for all families, but it is for many. If you’re on the fence about what to do for your parent, consider their wishes along with what’s most practical, convenient and affordable for your family at large.

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