Sunday, October 2, 2011 I visited my client to make introductions to caregiver. Last week, while visiting I mentioned bringing my ten year old grand daughter with me. Mr. Smith was thrilled at having a child in his presence. While visiting Mr. Smith, he asked me if I would bring him a cat. He likes to watch them play in the yard. Considering the man has quite a bit of acreage that would support a herd of animal, I looked at the son for an answer. The son said “yes, but he will not forget this. You will have to do it.”
This morning I call my faithful vet whom everyone just drops animals off expecting the soft-hearted individual to make things right. Sure enough, she had a homeless cat looking for a place to live.
I take my pet carrier to the vet to pick the cat up. It is not a snuggly critter but that is okay because he is going to have to be tough to survive this environment. On the way to the client, I stop to pick up cat food, cat bed plus food bowls. When I get there the client is being bathed so I set the cat up outside his patio windows bed, food and all. Being the soft touch that I am and the simpleton I am, I open the crate door. The cat rapidly runs into the woods and is gone.
When the client comes out he is thrilled because he told everyone “Today the lady is bringing me a cat.” While being bathed the daughter and caregiver soothe him telling the cat is here.
Client comes out. No cat. Just a bed, food, and housing. Still no cat.
I explained he now has a new cat in his woods and either it will return or it will not. He smiles and says “that is okay, you can just get me another one.” I smile and say, “You are right.”
Low and behold the cat returns. Client is thrilled and names it after me. He should name it “dummy.”
Long and short of it, client now has a new cat that he is thrilled to watch play outside. Nothing is more rewarding than serving seniors and their families!
June Adams, Senior Home Care Advisor
Family Private Care, LLC
NOTE: Client’s name is fictitious, but the story is real. No wonder all of us at Family Private Care love senior in-home care! And we give a big “THANK YOU” to June for her continual dedication to making a difference in the lives of seniors, their families, and their pets. June constantly goes “above and beyond!”