c/o: Kelly Boesch

The home is traditionally the safest place for us to be. However, in our older years, the home can become a place filled with unexpected dangers. If you have a parent living at home alone, it’s important that the home is checked for dangers and equipped with the right safety measures. If your loved one is still self-sufficient, follow this simple checklist to ensure their safety and independence.

In the Kitchen

  • Keep items that are used regularly on the lower shelves.
  • Use memory foam mats in front of the sink to aid in fatigue when washing dishes and prevent slips and falls.
  • Purchase a step stool to reach into the cabinets.
  • Ensure all appliances are in good working condition.

In the Bathroom

  • Place anti-slip mats in front of the bathtub and sink.
  • Install grab bars inside and outside of the shower to prevent slips and falls, as well as next to the toilet.
  • Place an anti-slip mat in the bottom of the tub or shower.
  • Purchase a stool to place inside the shower.
  • Keep a separate bin for hair dryers, electric shavers, etc. in the open so your loved one remembers to unplug them and place them away from water.

In the Living Room

  • Keep the path free and clear. Remove unnecessary items like plants, statues, lamps and end tables.
  • Make sure electrical cords are tucked away.
  • Make sure that power strips are not overloaded.
  • Keep the items that are most used accessible next to chairs or sofas, such as magazines, books, a telephone and remote control.


  • Keep all items off the stairs.
  • Have a sturdy railing installed on both sides.
  • Install a light over the stairs.


  • Evaluate outdoor steps to ensure they are not cracked or uneven.
  • Make sure there are locks installed on all doors and that your loved one knows how to use them.
  • Check for areas of concern in the yard, such as holes in the fence or dips in the landscaping.
  • Install sensor lights around the home.
  • Hire a landscaping service to salt the sidewalk and driveway in the winter.

Blog sponsored by: Family Private Care