Tissue box

c/o: David Lat

Even though the spring season has arrived doesn’t meant that we’re automatically out of cold and flu season. Colds and flues linger well into the spring season, especially as temperatures fluctuate from warm to cold and back again. Here are smart tips for protecting senior citizens from the viruses that surface during the months of March, April and May.

Wash Hands – This simple task is the most effective one yet. Not only should you wash hands frequently, but also make sure it’s being done correctly. For instance, scrub hands for 20 seconds with soap and then rinse them with warm water. Seniors may need gentle reminders with this, so consider posting the rules by the sink or ask them to sing the Happy Birthday song while washing.

Sanitize Hands – When you can’t wash your hands, use an alcohol-based sanitizing solution to kill germs. This is helpful for caregivers who may not always have access to a sink with warm water and soap.

Eat Nutritiously – The immune-boosting nutrients and vitamins that elders need to stay healthy are best found in foods. Incorporate healthy meals with fresh fruits and vegetables to boost immunity.

Stay Hydrated – It’s also important for seniors to stay hydrated. This flushes out toxins and prevents them from dehydration, fatigue and a drop in body temperature. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.

Develop a Regular Sleep Pattern – Sleeping boosts immunity, and if your loved one does fall ill, sleep is one of the best ways to get better. Eight hours of sleep is optimal, so make sure your loved one has a regular sleep schedule.

Make Time for Exercise – Whether it’s a stroll around the park or a brisk walk around the mall each morning, exercise is a great way to strengthen immunity, keep the blood cells circulating and prevent toxins from building up in the body. Plus, there is no substitute for some fresh air and social interaction.

Get Vaccinated – Talk to your loved one’s doctor about the best decision, but the CDC recommends that particular groups of people get a flu shot, and this includes seniors who are most at risk for viruses and flues.

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