
People Who Move Change The World

Moving Atlanta Day® Atlanta A National Celebration of Movement

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Moving Day® is the National Parkinson Foundation’s (NPF) signature walk event. It offers an exciting, empowering opportunity for persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD), families, friends, companies and organizations to raise significant funds to support comprehensive patient care programs and research. It’s a highly visible way to generate awareness for PD.

Last year, NPF in collaboration with NPF Chapters, held 19 Moving Day® walk events across the U.S., attracting over 14,000 walkers who raised an incredible $3.2 million!

This amazing achievement helped fund research focused on improving care for the more than one million PD patients in the U.S. as well as provide local services and programs for people with PD.

Moving Day® Atlanta Event Details

Because studies indicate that physical activity plays an important role in managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, each event features a unique Movement Pavilion with activities geared toward and beneficial for people with Parkinson’s. The aim is to encourage people to stay active and move for better health.

An estimated 1,500 participants are expected for the Moving Day® Atlanta event. Participants include Parkinson’s disease patients, families, friends, healthcare professionals, corporate leaders and teams who join together to raise funds to support patient care and research initiatives to beat Parkinson’s.

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