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Are you planning a birthday party for your elderly loved one? Good for you! Sometimes family members are unsure of whether or not to celebrate a birthday. Their concern is that they will disrupt their family member.

Here at Family Private Care, we feel that all birthdays should be celebrated! Hosting a special event can make your loved one happy in the moment and create lifelong memories for children, grandchildren and siblings. Below are a few tips to help make your birthday celebration a success for everyone.

Choose a Familiar Place

Individuals with dementia can become confused easily, so choose a place that is familiar to your loved one. This could be their home or an assisted living facility where they reside. Many long term care facilities provide party rooms for these types of events.

Limit Your Guest List

Keep the birthday celebration small and calm. Invite only close family and friends. For extended family and friends, you can always upload pictures and videos to a shareable online album. Do not worry about offending anyone. Your loved one can become anxious in a room full of people.

Leave Time to Get Ready

Build lots of extra time into your schedule on party day. If you feel nervous, your loved one may pick up on this and not be able to enjoy the festivities. Help Mom pick out a nice outfit, brush her hair and teeth and even put on a bit of makeup. This process cannot be rushed. Be patient and calm.

Keep it Simple

There’s no reason to stress yourself out for the sake of having an impressive party. Keep things simple for yourself, the guests and your loved one. Small sandwiches or appetizers are adequate, along with a birthday cake or cupcakes.

Wrap it Up Early

Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease have short attention spans and get distracted easily. Keep the birthday party short. If you have family and friends traveling a distance, you can always invite them over to the home for extra fun. Even an hour or two of cake, sharing stories and looking at pictures is enough to give Dad a wonderful birthday.


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