Many people think that the only way to receive skilled nursing care is by residing in a nursing home. However, you can receive skilled nursing care right in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is find a Senior Home Care agency that provides skilled nursing as part of their services.

Family Private Care is one example.

Our in-home care agency offers skilled nursing care from Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). They are available from one hour to 24 hours a day, depending on your needs. The difference between our skilled nurses and our routine caregivers is that they have a degree and are professionally trained.

What Can Skilled Nurses Do?

RNs and LPNs are able to help with the following types of needs:

  • Wound care
  • Administering IVs
  • Administering injections
  • Tracheotomy care
  • Medication management
  • Professional assessments

They can also provide memory care for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Does Every Senior Need a Skilled Nurse?

Not all seniors require a skilled nurse. If you’re looking for a companion or someone to drive you to your doctor’s appointments or run errands with you, a skilled nurse is not necessary. If you require assistance with changing your clothes, showering/bathing or cooking your meals, skilled nursing care is also not necessary.

It’s only necessary to have a skilled nurse in the home if you need duties that only RNs and LPNs can perform, such as those listed above. Otherwise, you will find that your needs can be met with a caregiver.

Why Choose Family Private Care

The benefits to choosing Family Private Care for your nursing care is obvious. Rather than having to reside in a nursing home or rehabilitation facility, you can receive the care you need right from the comfort of your home. Few Senior Home Care agencies offer this high-end service, mainly because it’s difficult to manage both caregivers and skilled nurses. With us, you have both options available, so you can use our caregiving and skilled nursing services interchangeably.

If you would like to learn more about our skilled nursing care, or any of our other services, please call Family Private Care today.