
Many of you reading this blog are probably caregivers for a loved one. When you are a caregiver, it is important to care for yourself also. Part of your self-care could be arranging a caregiver to come into your home to give yourself a break. We would love to assist you with that respite care that can really make a difference in your own health and wellness!

Another aspect of your self-care could involve a hobby. Hobbies are a great way to take a break and escape from the routine of life and allow ourselves a reset. In addition to this, hobbies can open a new world of social connections and interests. They keep our mind sharp because they require learning new skills and information.

A recent survey found reading to be the top hobby for senior adults. Who doesn’t love a good book?  There are book clubs for many interest and ages. Most senior buildings (Assisted Living Communities, Independent Living Communities, etc) have a library with large print and books on tape.

Retirement is a great time to try new hobbies since retirees have (or are at least supposed to have!) more time. Give this idea some thought and find one or two hobbies to investigate this year!

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